My Testimony Against SB 201 on Feb. 15
I’ll never bend the knee to climate change tyranny, that seeks to control every facet of our lives.
And neither should you.
I’ll never bow to the heavy hand of an overreaching government.
And neither should you.
I’ll never compromise the Constitution for quick cash or short-term gains.
And neither should you.
I’ll never see how it’s right for a privately-owned, out-of-state, foreign-backed company, using YOUR tax dollars, to take what is not theirs.
And neither should you.
I’ll never vote for regulations that strip away independent liberty, free enterprise, and local community governance.
And neither should you.
SB 201 is the boot on the neck of every family in SD. It’s anti-American, anti-South Dakota, and is a slap in the face to who we are and where our values lie.
George Orwell must have been talking about South Dakota when he wrote in 1984, “There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.”
A shameful, and honestly quite embarrassing, decision was made in Pierre, SD today, with the move to advance SB 201 out of the committee of energy and commerce (7-2).The following S.D. Senators voted to strip you of your local governance and ability for communities to lead at home — Crabtree, Stalzer, Kolbeck, Beal, Wheeler, Nesiba, Schoenbeck. Make sure they hear from you.
My critics say I’m “emotional. I’m not. That’s actually a cop out because they are unable to debate the merits of my argument.
It’s called Passion. Patriotism. Purpose. And an unwillingness to compromise on the Constitution. That doesn’t make me emotional; it makes me an American. Period.
This bill may have made it out of committee, but it’s not over. Write your senators now and tell them to say NO to SB201.
Amanda, thank you for all you do. I reside in metro Atlanta, GA. I grew up in northwesterm MN and have a share of the family farm my younger brother still farms. My heart is back there. Looking at the subtle power grab taking place under the guise of sustainability is maddening. Through you and those you have spoken to and align with is getting me up to speed with their treachery. The devil never sleeps, the father of lies… God Bless you and your family and I will be praying for your governor, who I highly regard, to do the right thing for South Dakota and by proxy, the rest of us.
Well done. Great job today at the cracker barrel. Frank please call 605 583 4468