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Audience Testimonies

Audience Testimonies

Hiring a speaker for an event is a big investment. A presenter needs to be dynamic, passionate, knowledgeable and capable of connecting with your audience. Here are a few reactions from audiences who have listened to Amanda speak over the years.
  • "I finally had the opportunity to hear Amanda Radke speak at the SD Governor's Ag Summit. I've followed her since Ellen DeGeneres's 'eat less meat' message and her viral response to it. The beef industry and the agriculture industry are so lucky to have this woman in our corner. She is a great advocate and example of everything this industry stands for and the heart behind our work. Definitely worth following!" - Melissa VanWesten 
  • "Amanda Radke's speech was lights out again, as always. She is a fearless voice for our way of life." - Chris Earl, CK6 Consulting

  • I've never seen the Lochness monster. I've never seen a unicorn. And I've never seen a fun speaker at a banking conference, until I listened to Amanda Radke." - Jay Garren, Pro Ag Banking Solutions
  • “Huge thank you to Amanda Radke for joining us at our New York Beef Producer's Association conference. The most inspiring, down to earth, ‘real person’ that I believe our conference has seen. We thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and conversation!” - Zack Welker
  • "I first witnessed Amanda speak as a 17-year old kid who captivated an entire room full of adults by passionately sharing the merits of beef consumption. Then, I witnessed a college kid lead a national movement to do the right thing. Today, I witnessed a mother, a wife, and motivator stir folks of all ages to do something because of her example. Amanda Radke sets the standard for what it means to be an American." - Trent Loos, professional speaker, Nebraska rancher and radio personality
  • "Amanda's work, words, and delivery style are an amazing combination of passion and purpose, celebration and appreciation. She’s an astute 'student' of the audience before she becomes a 'teacher' of great value. Her experienced and authentic voice in agriculture truly helps us to find our voice. Those of us privileged to hear Amanda’s presentations know that agriculture is richer because of the life-lessons shared from her experiences, the application of her messages and the tremendous value of her insight. It’s great to see her light the power within us as we work together to be part of her mission: to protect our freedoms to farm and our freedom of choice at the grocery store. - Jolene Brown, professional speaker, author, farmer and family business consultant
  • "Tonight I had the privilege of meeting Amanda Radke and listen to her powerful message! As a strong woman in ag, she is an inspiration to this industry and a woman I have admired and looked up to for a long time now! Hardcore fan girl moment! Here are the takeaways I received from listening to her talk: We need to impact the next generation of agriculture. Think about your WHY. Why you got started in agriculture, and why you continue to fight and advocate for this great industry. The best spokesperson for our industry is YOU. Your story, your authenticity, and your willingness to share is how you truly advocate and make an impact. Additionally, “agvocacy” is not just about sharing the facts. It’s about showing our hearts and connecting with consumers who do not understand our industry. When they know and connect with us, when they love us, is when they will fight along with us for production agriculture. After all, the best by-product of production agriculture and rural America is the people." - Avy Pollock, OH
  • "I've been attending agricultural meetings for 25 years now, and Amanda is hands-down in the top 5% of speakers I have ever listened to, ever!" - Bill Legg, Tennessee beef producer
  • "Amanda Radke was our guest speaker for New Mexico CowBelles mid-year meeting! We partnered with New Mexico Cattle Growers Association to deliver her message to everyone at the conference. I took away several things from her words of wisdom, but her positive affirmation that people want to know us as farmers and ranchers and want to support us, spoke to my heart and fueled a fire. We are very grateful to Amanda for fitting us into her schedule! If you ever have a chance to hear her speak, don’t hesitate, go!" - Vonda Frost, New Mexico cattle rancher
  •  THANK YOU Amanda for being an exceptional speaker and setting the tone for a great annual conference. We have had so many great comments on your speech. You can’t fake passion, and you have both passion and a gift." - Amanda Dackowsky, New York Beef Producers Association
  • "Amanda does a great job. She wears her passion well and speaks from the heart." - David Skaggs, South Dakota Department of Agriculture dairy/ag development specialist
  • "I loved Amanda's sessions at the Farm Women's Symposium. Her sense of humor about life, the kids, tractor payments, and farming are so much of what we can all relate to! She provides great advice to getting our lives in order and following through. And I loved her story about adoption!" - Shirley Carson, MI
  • "You can't get any better than Amanda!! Book the best; book Amanda!!" - Jess Peterson, U.S. Cattlemen's Association executive vice president
  • "Amanda Radke is phenomenal. Hiring her as a speaker is an investment in your organization and people." - Andrew Wood, Owner/Manager, Dirt Road Radio
  • "Finally got to meet Amanda Radke in person after years of following her. She’s the real deal, of course I knew that. She makes you think about how we need to communicate with each other food producers and consumers." - Neil Rhonemus, Ohio
  • "I learned more in Amanda's 20-minute speech than in the entire four-day convention combined." - Nathan Stanton, Tennessee
  • "So many of Amanda's stories hit home, touched me, and made me feel more 'normal.' Having Amanda in our corner for agriculture gives us all hope for the future." - Tracie Jones, MI