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The Future of Food

There’s lots of talk about what the future of food looks like. The elite politicians, mainstream media, and slick Silicon Valley investors like to wax poetic about their grandiose ideas of what that future of food looks like…
❌Cricket Powder
❌ Lab-Grown Meat
❌Nature Experienced Through Virtual Reality Goggles Instead of Stepping Outside
❌Plant-Based Substitutes
❌The End of Animal Ag
Their ideas might sound good in theory, but in practice, I’m not too excited about replacing natural, wholesome foods like BEEF with synthetic substitutes. And don’t get me wrong, I love food choices, but their plan isn’t to provide another option, it’s to take meat, dairy, and eggs off the dinner plate.
So to me, the future of food looks the same as it did hundreds of years ago. We can never abandon the basics of agricultural stewardship in our constant desire to adapt to the next big thing. We will always need farmers and ranchers who work the land and tend to the livestock.
On our family-owned ranch, the recipe for success is simple:
☀️ Sunshine
🌧 Rain
🐮 Cattle
🌽 Corn
💪🏻Hard Work
❤️ Love
The result, when we respectfully utilize each animal from nose-to-tail, is great-tasting, nutrient-dense 🥩 steaks and burgers 🍔 and 100+ life-enriching byproducts that simply cannot be replicated in a factory.
The future of food can be found in the Heartland — in the pastures and fields of rural America! And to me, the future looks bright!

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