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Our military deserves better than lab meat

When I think of the United States military and the people who willingly sign up to serve in order to protect our freedoms, I think of the strength, resolve, patriotism, purpose, and selflessness required of the task.

Yet, once again, our government is on a runaway train to demoralize and destabilize the very institution that safeguards our nation.

This time, its in the form of fake meat, and if our Department of Defense (DOD) has their way, theyll soon be serving this drivel to our countrys finest service men and women.

Earlier this summer, the Department of Defense announced a sponsored research grant that will fund the development of lab-grown meat products made by an approved company called, BioMade. 

More than 1,000 amendments were submitted to the Rules Committee on the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill for 2025, which is where the funding for the DOD is derived.

In a nutshell, the DOD is treating our military like lab rats, using our tax dollars. Prioritizing fake meat instead of the real deal is such an insult to those who serve. Im concerned, but not shocked, that our government would continue to push their agenda to take meat, dairy, and eggs off the table, in favor of Silicon Valleys favorite pet project; however, this is so beyond the pale to treat our nations heroes this way. 

There are just two companies in the United States who are approved to produce lab meats derived from animal cells and cultured in a petri dish, and none are yet cleared to sell in American grocery stores.

There are so many unanswered questions about these products from the safety, to to the nutritional component, to the labeling that will be required for transparency to consumers. There are no long-term safety studies of lab-grown meat consumption. The chemicals used in the growth serum are not yet disclosed to the public. And lab-grown meat companies use immortalizedcells that grow in perpetuity; these cells have been used in medical research but never in food consumption.

So what can we do about it? I have had several concerned beef cattle ranchers call me to brainstorm the best course of action moving forward. Across the country, states are already laying the groundwork to pushback against the advancement of fake meats in public use.

Florida and Alabama are the first states to pass laws banning the manufacturing, sales, and distribution of cultured meats. 

"Take your fake lab-grown meat elsewhere," said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. "We're not doing that in the state of Florida."

In Iowa, Arizona, Missouri, Minnesota, Oklahoma, and West Virginia, other restrictions have been placed on lab-grown meats.

Looking at the call to do more to protect consumers and beef producers, I will offer my perspective with a Constitutional lens.

I dont believe in banning companies or products outright. I believe, without government intervention, the free market will take care of lab meats on its own. As a cattle rancher, I have no doubt that the beef American producers raise can compete with any protein on the shelves, including these imitation petri dish monstrosities.

However, when the government starts throwing money at these lab meats to prioritize the purchase of these products for the military, now we have a problem worth taking action on. If not curtailed, this would quickly extend to school lunch menus, daycares, hospitals, nursing homes, and more.

If legislators are reading this, please note this urgent call to action laws should be passed that require extensive long-term health, safety, and nutritional data before approval of these companies in the free market.

Additionally, clear labeling laws must be passed that would provide transparency and truth for consumers to be able to distinguish between meat raised on the hoof and imitation products cultured in a petri dish. This is not a vegan product. Its not a meat product. And in no way shape or form should these products be allowed to use nomenclature like sausage, beef, chicken, pork, etc. Definitions and verbiage matter, and whatever these cultured proteins are, they are most certainly not meat.

Our military deserves better than this. Our consumers deserve better than this. Our nations farmers and ranchers deserve better than this. But the question remains will our politicians do what is right for the people, or will they cave to the corporate investors of these companies and vote to pick winners and losers in the meat space with our tax dollars?

Make sure your elected officials hear from you on this. Its an important discussion we need to have right now.

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