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No Farms, No Food

I dont mean to be all doom and gloom in this column, but the attacks on farmers, ranchers, landowners, and our food supply are numerous.

Our food security is at risk, and its not just one glaringly obvious death blow thats looming, its more like death by one thousand cuts.  

Its the proverbial frog in the pot of waterscenario, where the heat continues to increase so slowly that we dont notice we are boiling.

Yet, the water is bubbling now, folks, and its time to sound the alarms!

Let me give you a few examples to highlight both the absurdity and the magnitude of the external threats that could ultimately lead to no farms and no food.

At the recent meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos, Switzerland, a panelist demanded the implementation of a criminal category of ecocide.In the discussion, she described farming, fishing, and energy production as the mass murder and torture of trees and rivers.

In France, farmers are protesting by spraying liquid manure on government buildings, in an attempt to press the government to loosen regulations and protect them from cheap imports and rising costs.

In the Netherlands, the government has declared a war on livestock producers, setting a metric to halve emissions of nitrogen from cattle, hogs, and chickens. They are pushing for a voluntary strategy of buying farms, which is essentially playing out as a seizure and forfeiture of family-owned lands and livestock operations.

In Ireland, farmers are being pressured to cull up to 200,000 cows to meat climate change metrics.

And the United Nations is expected to release a plan at the COP28 climate summit, urging the U.S. to reduce their meat consumption to fight climate change.

And thats just the tip of the iceberg in the global attacks on farmers and ranchers, specifically livestock producers. Now lets look closer to home.

Everyone scoffed at Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when she proposed the Green New Deal and suggested we eliminate cow farts.However, fast forward just a few years later, and enough money has been thrown at the situation, that now every conservative Republican and every agricultural association and organization are spouting climate change, net zero, sustainability, and other buzzwords to meet the arbitrary standards of programs that are simply huge money grabs, and have nothing to do with the environment.

As an example, the USDA is awarding $3.1 billion for 141 climate change smart commodity projects,and your eyes would pop at who is on the list of recipients.

Or how about an out-of-state, foreign-backed pipeline company that has ruthlessly attempted to change laws, condemn land, and seize what isnt theirs in order to cram their project down landownersthroats? Whats worse, there are those who claim to love and promote agriculture, who are literally willing to trampled on the Constitution and private property rights in order to push this thing to the finish line! Forget the very farmers and ranchers they claim to want to support; they are in the way of progress!

Whats more, just this week, the Telegraph reported that the carbon footprint of homegrown food is five times greater than those grown conventionally.These people literally dont want you to grow your own food and be self-sufficient!

And somehow, since we have repeated the lie that 2+2=5, there are people that have convinced themselves that piping carbon into the ground or reducing methane in cows will save the planet. Or maybe they are just repeating the mantra to avoid the truth of the obvious intention behind projects of this ilk. This is nothing but a massive infusion of tax payer dollars to enrich the very few and put food on the table of absolutely nobody.

Folks, Ill say the quiet part out loud. This is a scam. A lie that has spread around the world. Its a pathway to starvation one that is lined in gold, power, and greed. Its the total disregard of our God-given inherent rights. Its anti-humanity, anti-community, anti-family, anti-agriculture, and anti-planetary health.

If youre reading this, and wondering what to do next, the answer is simple stand in the truth and hold your ground. 

Yes, there are people who want to control the land, the food, and the people; but you, the landowner, the farmer, and the rancher, are the ultimate beacon of freedom. You are an example of sovereignty, liberty, and self-sufficiency. The land under your feet is yours, so be very careful who you allow access to on your property.

Preserving the Constitution and your private property rights are critical to the future of food, agriculture, and our national security. And any politician, company, association, university, or talking head in the media who tells you different just might have a self-serving, underlying agenda.

1 comment

  • It would be fun to have you on the Energy News Beat Podcast. We are an international podcast out of Texas covering the energy stories that mainstream media does not. The farmers and energy markets are getting run over, and energy needs to help the farmers. In the EU, farmers are standing up over the energy prices and the regulations being forced on them. – LEt me know how I can help get your story out.

    Stu Turley

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