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March is Ag Literacy Month!

March is Ag Literacy Month!

Scarlett and I would like to thank you for all of the support across the country as ag programs, families, and schools purchase our books to use as resources for teaching kids about agriculture and  celebrating the farmers and ranchers who produce food for us to enjoy.

We have been completely overwhelmed with school visit requests, and while we wish we could make it to every single one, there's not enough hours in the day to travel to all of you AND stay home and calve out our cows.

So, today we thought we could share a read aloud of Scarlett and her book, "Scarlett and Lucky." We hope your kids enjoy the story!

Watch the Read Aloud here: 

Watch Scarlett on Keloland News to see what inspired the book: 

Order "Scarlett & Lucky" here:

Order Amanda's complete book set here: 

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