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Foster Care on the Farm with Marco Saatmann for Foster Care Awareness Month

Farmers and ranchers are natural caregivers and stewards, and my guest today, Margo Saatmann, has extended that love to foster children. Learn how Margo’s family takes in teens and teaches them the value of faith, family, hard work, responsibility, grace, and never giving up on each other, no matter what.

Now available on Apple + Spotify!

Presented by Bid On Beef | CK6 Consulting Services Inc. | CK6 Source | Real Tuff Livestock Equipment | Linz Heritage Angus | The Linz Shop | Redmond Real Salt | Dirt Road Radio: 103.1 FM KYDT & 1450 AM KBFS

#FosterCare #fostercareawarenessmonth #fosterparents



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